Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tweet releases new songs, prepares third album

Soul singer and Missy Elliott protégé Tweet released her debut album Southern Hummingbird just ten years ago. The album featured the song "Oops (Oh My)," which featured Missy Elliott and was an ode to self love. Her second album It's Me Again three years later. Both albums featured Tweet's soulful singing and a slew of breakup jams. Tweet began to work on her third album Love, Tweet. This record never came to fruition and after many delays the album was renamed Simply Tweet. At the beginning of the month Tweet began to release new songs on her website The first was a cover of "Day Dreaming" by Aretha Franklin, the second was called "Trouble" and now the third of her Tweet Tuesdays releases is "C4EVA." Each song is a soulful reminder of what Tweet did for the music world and a peek into the future of this talented woman. Tweet's album doesn't have a release date but Tweet and her label confirmed that it will be released this year. Below is a video of the song "Day Dreaming."

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